Thursday, September 22, 2016

Text Annotations and Text Coding

A key strategy for supporting students with close reading is utilizing text annotation and text coding. Adding text coding to student reading can raise comprehension up another notch. This strategy asks teachers to model the strategy for students, show the students a set of codes, and let students practice them. After this practice, students can create some of their own codes. 

Lyon has a system of text codes that are to be used at grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8. All classrooms are expected to utilize these symbols:

Even lower elementary grade teachers can use the strategy by thinking aloud, modeling, and thinking  students through how to utilize text coding until they become ready to practice the strategy independently. 

How to Implement It:
1. Introduce text codes to students (Use required school symbols). 
2. Demonstrate coding by modeling with a text as a whole class. 3. Kids try coding in pairs or with guided practice led by teacher. 4. Monitor student progress in pairs or groups as they code texts. 5. Pairs discuss text codes and their use of the strategy. 6. Share with the whole class and practice independently. 

Take a look at several sample anchor charts from classrooms below. Be sure to have an anchor chart in your classroom to model and share the strategies with students. 

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