Friday, October 7, 2016

What's Happening Around Lyon Academy? October 7th, 2016

Take a look at several highlights from around our school this week. If you see an anchor chart, student work, or something else in the building you would like showcased for the staff, please send it to

Ms. Latta has an anchor chart posted for her students that details the expectations of a great quality paragraph. 

Ms. Walker and Ms. Stuckel have created anchor charts for the letters they introduce as part of their daily letter identification lessons. 

Ms. Davison's resource students utilize the QAR strategy and review the types of questions by consulting an anchor chart. 

Ms. Cychowski gives students a structure for earning a higher grade by completing test corrections. 

Mr. Clark introduced his music students to the "Star Spangled Banner" and asked the students to demonstrate their learning about the song in a foldable. 

Ms. Pocost's students created a visual to demonstrate their understanding of temperature. 

Publicly tracking student mastery is an excellent way to motivate students. 

Ms. Smith's posted "Partner Talk Expectations" helps to facilitate conversation between students during the lesson. 

Ms. Archer posts a seating chart at the front of the classroom as a visual reminder for where students should be seated. 

Ms. Jones has given students an outline of what class meetings should look like. 

Ms. Welch uses typed Word Wall cards to make the Word Wall more accessible and readable for students. 

Ms. Welch uses the acronym "GROUPS" to promote the behaviors and values students must demonstrate during group work. 

Ms. Richardson has a board posted that is print-rich and helps organize her students during their balanced literacy block. 

Ms. Richardson's annotations chart clearly outlines the text annotation symbols students should know in the Kindergarten through second grades. 

Ms. Salmo has worked with her students to think about our school values and what they mean for them. 

Ms. McCord's Word Wall is divided into domain-specific terminology for individual units. 

Ms. Benjamin's anchor charts are prominently posted to reiterate PBIS expectations for students. 

Ms. Cisar used the frayer model as a strategy for teaching about Math vocabulary. 

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