Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Showing Staff Appreciation

Who doesn't like to be shown appreciation for their hard work? Doesn't it feel good when your contributions to the team are acknowledged in a meaningful way? Showing appreciation for others may seem like a simple task, but how do we know the appreciation we show others has its intended impact? The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace by Gary Chapman and Paul White reveals how complex showing appreciation can truly be, but how effective it can be when we get it right!

Different individuals have different values when it comes to how they like to be appreciated. In the workplace, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Acts of Service, and Tangible Gifts are the four languages that team members "speak" when it comes to how they like to be appreciated. Some individuals may have more than one language that are equally effective. 

To see the Languages of Appreciation for Lyon Staff Members, click here

Now that you know the Languages of Appreciation of your colleagues, what can you do next? What do our peers desire from communication and actions, and what should we avoid? 

What to Avoid
Words of Affirmation
·   compliments
·   affirmation
·   kind words
·   send notes/cards
·  criticism
Quality Time
·   one-to-one time
·   not interrupting
·   face-to-face conversation
·   celebrations
·   doing things together
·   team-building
·  long periods of being apart
·  more time with friends than spouse
Tangible Gifts
·   positive
·   fact-oriented information
·   give gifts on special occasions and not so special occasions
·  forgetting special days
Acts of Service
·   action words like "I can," "I will," "What else can I do?"
·   helping with projects
·   repair/maintenance
·   acts of kindness
·  ignoring spouse's request while helping others

How will you show a colleague appreciation in the coming week? 

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