Thursday, October 30, 2014

What's Happening Around Lyon Academy? October 30th, 2014

Take a look at several highlights from around our school this week as we prepare for next Wednesday's District Learning Walk. Please take time before the end of the week to ensure that all non-negotiables are present in your classroom.Don't forget to look at previous blog posts to find ideas and examples of non-negotiables in classrooms.
 If you see an anchor chart, student work, or something else in the building you would like showcased for the staff, please send it to

Ms. Latta has clearly posted expectations for what students should be doing during IDR time. 

Ms. McCord created an easy visual and written reminder for students about how matter changes states. 

Ms. Richards used a double entry journal format with her students to help them explain their visualizations from the text they read together in class. 

Ms. McPherson's student work bulletin board was a unique twist on the "Arrays" students are learning about in her classroom. 

Ms. Weininger's colorful anchor chart helps remind students how to plot points on a coordinate plane. 

Ms. Jones uses an acronym to review order of operations with students. 

Ms. Allen's BBC board is user friendly and easy for students to read. It goes beyond the requirements and gives students even more information about the day's learning. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

What's Happening Around Lyon Academy? October 23rd, 2014

Take a look at several highlights from around our school this week. Please take time before the end of the week to ensure that all non-negotiables are present in your classroom. If you see an anchor chart, student work, or something else in the building you would like showcased for the staff, please send it to

Ms. McCord is helping her students to learn about the 50 States by getting postcards from schools around the country! North Dakota was first! 

Ms. Tuthill posts her agenda and tasks for Guided Reading groups behind her Guided Reading table. 

Ms. Cleland's first grade students learned about -sh and -th words through a creative project. 

To help students understand Author's Purpose, Ms. Cleland created a Pie Chart to introduce Persuade, Inform and Entertain! 

Mrs. Williams-Alberty introduced Fact and Opinion to her students by creating two anchor charts. 

Mrs. Mosby's Instagram board in her classroom helps to get her students excited about learning. 

Finally, Ms. Andrews' anchor chart of "9 Thinking Strategies" helps students to break down and solve a complex problem. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

What's Happening Around Lyon Academy? October 17th, 2014

There have been a lot of great anchor charts, student work and classroom activities happening the past several weeks. Here is a sampling that I noticed this week. If you see an anchor chart, student work, or something else in the building that you would like to share with the staff and have featured in the blog, please send it to

Mr. Clark's classes created instruments that are prominently displayed outside the office. 

Ms. Colacino uses library book pockets to keep track of books signed out from her classroom library. 

Ms. Colacino's word bubbles promote thinking stems for appropriate conversation in a Responsible Reading Community. 

Mr. Phoenix has created an anchor chart to support students with aligning text in a Microsoft Word document. 

Ms. DeLeon updates her Elements of Art anchor charts throughout the quarter to support student learning of new strategies. 

Mr. Wolfenden incorporates the Weekly Formative Assessment strategies in his classroom to gather knowledge about his students and their mastery. 

Ms. Jones helps her students break down finding the Main Idea in a text. 

Mr. Swanston's anchor chart uses student created Post-It notes to make predictions about what they will be learning in an ongoing unit. 

Ms. Nertilus uses anchor charts to demonstrate to students how to solve problems using both words and numbers. 

Mr. Murphy's students demonstrated knowledge of elements by creating a description of an element of his choice. 

Ms. Brendel teaches color to students by making an anchor chart of red objects. 

Ms. Cleland models text-to-text connections with students by using an anchor chart from a recent read aloud. 

Ms. Richards' students are beginning centers in her classroom and use this anchor chart to refer to classroom expectations. 

Ms. Colacino uses an anchor chart to demonstrate the shorthand she uses to refer to the important aspects of student writing.

If you have read all the way to the end of this blog post and reviewed all the AWESOME things happening in our classrooms be one of the first 4 people to shoot me an e-mail and I will bring you a complimentary Kaldi's Coffee next Friday, October 25th!